Aqua Garden by PLANT!T

The PLANT!T Aqua Garden is a water-based hydroponic growing system that self-waters your plants – allowing you to grow a wide range of fresh herbs and salad greens year-round on a sunny windowsill, balcony or in a conservatory.

The Aqua Garden by PLANT!T has a built-in water timer which automatically irrigates your plants throughout the day. The visual water level indicator allows you to see when your reservoir is low on water and also a level to top up to.

Low power DC technology means that your system can be powered by solar battery packs, making the system more versatile than anything on the market. Its handy USB cable allows you to plug into a solar battery or other off-grid battery solution.

Easy – You don’t need to be a gardener – grow in 4 easy steps.
Fast – Plants grow in water (hydroponics) faster than in soil.
Convenient – Grow fresh herbs and salads daily.
Clean – No soil, no mess! The Aqua Garden is a soil-less system that prevents water wastage, but increases yield.

What can I grow?

  • Salad greens (leaf lettuce, rocket, mustard greens, etc.)
  • Herbs (basil, mint, thyme, oregano, etc.)
  • Small bush tomatoes and chillies

What’s included?

  • BONUS starter kit of ROOT!T Rooting Sponges and ROOT!T First Feed
  • Uniquely designed planting pots
  • Clever timed 5 V DC USB irrigation pump
  • Tank, lid and other structural components
  • Multi-regional mains power adaptor


The Aqua Garden by PLANT!T is available in both a 2 pot and 6 pot unit.


You can purchase the Aqua Garden by PLANT!T online HERE.